Sunday, May 24, 2020

CIPD 4DEP - 3320 Words

Activity 1 The HR Profession Map shows in few steps how professionals could become a value within the organisation in which they work. It has been created by the CIPD for anyone who wants to upgrade and develop own career or for any other who wants to start working in the HR field. It describes what people need to do and to know and how they need to do it. For this reason the map covers all the professional areas within the HR field, giving the knowledge to become an effective and successful HR practitioner. The map is divided into four bands of competence, covered by ten professional areas and eight behaviours. Looking at the Professional Areas the first focus is on the core of the map â€Å"Insights, strategy and solutions†, in which the†¦show more content†¦At the band 2 the organisation process and solutions are cleared to the HR professional. He/she is able to give strategic advices and/or manage any issues related to an individual or a team. At the band 3 the HR professional is able to lead a specific area, work as consultant or partner, plan challenges and relative strategies for medium and long-term. The last band 4 covers the highest level where the HR professional aside from manage a professional area can even lead an organisation. He/she is responsible for developing and delivering strategies for the success of the organisation. To understand how the bands work it is possible to take an example looking at one of the key areas. According to the membership band if the HR professional has to relate with a client, he/she would deliver the fundamentals within the band 1, be a strategy adviser and problem solver for the band 2, work as consultant or co-operative partner to set and guide the strategies within the band 3 and be the client confident and coach while lead the professional area in the band 4. Working in a specific professional area it is possible to transit from a band to another, developing or improving own skills and behaviour. In this regard the HR professional map shows and recommends to follow the eight behaviours about which we said above. Looking at them in details a HR professional should be: Decisive thinker, showingShow MoreRelatedCipd - 4dep-a Essay686 Words   |  3 PagesAssessment 4DEP – Activity A CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development and is a means of supporting people in the workplace to understand more about the environment in which they work, the job they do and how to do it better. As an initiative, CPD was largely unknown until at least the 1960s. Professional bodies only started to take systematic steps to ensure their members continue their development on an ongoing basis within the last ten to fifteen years of the twentieth century. RecognitionRead MoreCIPD 4DEP1302 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Introduction This report is a brief summary of the CIPD Profession Map, the two core professional areas, the specialist areas, the bands and the behaviours. It will be going into more detail in the activities and knowledge specified within the professional area of Performance and Rewards at band 1 level. It will identify the activities and knowledge most essential to my own HR role. The CIPD Profession Map (CIPD, 2013) The professional map is a universal platform for HR professionals, which describesRead MoreCIPD 4DEP1461 Words   |  6 PagesThe Human Resources Profession Map (HRPM) was created to explain how HR adds value; it was designed by a collaboration of both specialist and generalists working in the UK and globally across private and public sectors. The HRPM was developed by the CIPD. The design of the HRPM is to be relevant and applicable to HR professionals operating anywhere in the world, all sectors and in organisations of any shape or size. It captures what skills are required for effective and successful HR. There are 4Read MoreCipd 4dep Essay1443 Words   |  6 Pagescovers outputs from the HR Profession Map for the role of the Training amp; Development Advisor at Next Distribution. The CIPD have developed the HR Map and this is split into 10 professional areas, 8 behaviours and 4 bands. Having reviewed the map I believe my role within Next distribution sits predominantly at band 2 with some areas of the map being at band 1 and 3. The CIPD state of the 10 professional areas of the HR map, the 2 below are considered as key areas as they extend across the otherRead MoreCIPD 4DEP ACTIVITY 2992 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿4DEP Activity 2 How an HR Practitioner ensures the services they provide are timely and effective. Understanding Customer Needs for 3 different customers of HR Employees – Require information on employment contracts Managers – Require staff who can fulfill their job role efficiently and meet performance targets. Applicants – Require a clear induction policy and training plan taking their individual needs into account. Prioritising Conflicting Needs The needs of customersRead MoreCipd 4dep Activity 2 Essay1027 Words   |  5 Pages4DEP Activity 2 How an HR Practitioner ensures the services they provide are timely and effective. Understanding Customer Needs for 3 different customers of HR Employees – Require information on employment contracts Managers – Require staff who can fulfill their job role efficiently and meet performance targets. Applicants – Require a clear induction policy and training plan taking their individual needs into account. Prioritising Conflicting Needs The needs of customers mayRead MoreAssignment 4dep Cipd Human Resources Level 3 Essay978 Words   |  4 PagesCONFIDENTIAL To: Mr A P Hampton From: Active Assistance Date: 29th October 2012 REPORT ON THE GRIEVANCE BETWEEN MRS SMITH AND MR HAMILTON 1.0 TERMS OF REFERENCE On 24th October 2012, the employee Mrs Smith reported a grievance against Mr Hamilton on the grounds of age discrimination. The act of discrimination was reported to be on the 10th October 2012. Mrs Smith reported this grievance verbally to Mrs Tool (manager) on the 10th October 2012. However Mrs Smith felt the outcome of the verbalRead More4DEP Student TMA Essay5020 Words   |  21 Pages4DEP Assessment 1 Name: Stephen Paxton Unit  Title   Unit  Code   Level   Credit  value   Assessment  method   Developing  Yourself  as  an  Effective  Human   Resources  or  Learning  and  Development   Practitioner      4DEP      4      4      Written  answers  to  questions      Learning  outcomes:​ OI                  Activity  1      (Note:  The  CIPD  Human  Resources  Profession  Map  (HRPM)  can  be  accessed  at: ­hr ­profession/hr ­profession ­map/explore ­map.aspx​   )  Ã‚      Write  a  report  in  which  you:  Ã‚      ââ€"  briefly  summarise  the  HRPM  (iRead MoreCipd Essay762 Words   |  4 Pages4DEP F301A (LD) CIPD Assessment Activity Template Title of unit/s Developing Yourself as an Effective Learning Development Practitioner Unit No/s 4DEP (LD) Level Foundation Credit value 4 Assessment method Written, Discussion Learning outcomes: 1. Understand the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to be an effective LD practitioner. 2. Know how to deliver timely and effective LD services to meet users’ needs. 3. Be able to reflect on own practice and developmentRead MoreUnit 1 (4dep) Activity 31136 Words   |  5 PagesHR Practice Unit 1 (4DEP) – Developing Yourself as an Effective Human Resources Practitioner Activity 3 – Ability to reflect on own practice and development needs and maintain a plan for personal development Assessment Activity – 4DEP-F301A-(HR) Issued in September 2013 Name: To be inserted CIPD No: To be inserted Contents Ability to reflect on own practice and development needs and maintain a plan for personal development 3 Self-assessment against the CIPD Associate Membership

Monday, May 18, 2020

Essay on The Decision of the Century - 1031 Words

The Decision of the Century On August 2, 1945, Harry S. Truman made the toughest decision of his life. He knew that if he made the right decision, he would save hundreds of thousands of American lives. In making this decision, he would also be responsible for the deaths of hundreds and thousands of Japanese lives. If he made the wrong decision, the war would drudge on as the death count rose higher and higher as each new battle was fought. Japan would not surrender unconditionally, as the United States wanted. With Germany already beaten, the United States was not about to back down. No one knows whether or not he made the right choice, but he did, in fact, bring an end to World War II. World War IIs basic statistics qualify†¦show more content†¦Harry S. Truman became President of The United States on April 12, 1945 after Franklin Delano Roosevelt had passed away from a heart attack. He never knew what he was really getting himself into. Harry S. Truman had only been the President of The United States for thirteen days when Henry L. Stimson, The Secretary of War, delivered a complete report on the United States of Americas new secret weapon that would supposedly end World War II. Before Harry S. Truman received this report, he had no idea that such a weapon existed or that the American scientists had been trying to develop the atomic bomb over the last four years. On July 21, 1945 while at Potsdam, Truman received the results from General Leslie Groves testing of the atomic bomb at Alamogordo. The results were as follows: A force of 15-20,000 tons of TNT, a fireball lasting several seconds, a mushroom cloud rising skyward approximately 41,000 feet above sea level. There were many secondary explosions within the mushroom cloud causing a 1,200-foot crater in the ground. The 100 feet tower, which the bomb had been detonated in and a seventy-foot steel tower a half-mile away was disintegrated. It became obvious that Truman had two choices: invade mainland Japan or drop the atomic bomb. If TrumanShow MoreRelatedThe Pivotal Political Decisions On The Young American Republic Of The Late 18th Century1515 Words   |  7 PagesThe pivotal political decisions in the young American republic of the late 18th century were made by a select few leaders. These forerunners knew each other at a personal level, and their gregariousness had a remarkable impact on the choices they made in the future. In the words of an accomplished historian and a biographer, Joseph Ellis, these crucial decisions with an astounding aftermath came about â€Å"in a sudden spasm of enforced inspiration and makeshift construction† (3). In addition, in hisRead MoreSignificance Of Marketing At The 21st Century Essay1476 Words   |  6 Pagesorganizational success in the 21st century. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Personal Narrative Hope All Is Well With And Zara.this

Hi. Patrick.I hope all is well with and Zara.This is a difficult letter to write. My apologies if I was the cause of the breakup of your family.It is disheartening to see the animosity the exist from Ken s entire family towards him twenty years later. When Ken and Ingrid marriage ended she quickly let everyone around known she was the victim of a marriage of infelidity. She used all the support she had in against Ken to support her efforts in setting herself up financially for life in the lifestyle she had been accomstomed to. In doinome I am writing, because of my own experiences, with my ex-husband, how much it has destroyed the relationship between myself and my children,by instilling in them hate,anger and resentment towards†¦show more content†¦My marriage ended when I refused to support an unmotivated /hot -tempered man,who spent five of the six years,that we were married in school at my expense.At the time my children were very young, with a10 hours work schedule as a manager for corporate catering company and child care took it s toll.When I insist he find a job or help around the house he refused to do so.He then took my children away, and quickly filed for divorce along with his entire racist family,whom was against the marriage supported him in court.They collectively work to establish to the court,I was and unfit parent,on the premise he would get to keep the children,home and child support.He came from a well to do family,who supported him financially,throughout the court battles against me.In the end he had won,children,home and child support,only if that was the end.He continues to humiliate, whenever the children would visit he would accuse me of being an unfit parent ,consequently had me in supervised access with my children.Meanwhile, he had taken up with an alcoholic woman,where the children would be left in her care,while he worked long work schedule,he also became very physical and mentally abusive to them.There lives became one of dysfunctional family. When I met Ken I was working as a bartender at the hotel he would stay on his commute.We met early in 1996,as I was working on a pilot license he had some advice.He said he was separated and was

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Great Communicator - Ronald Reagan - 2566 Words

â€Å"My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.† Ronald Reagan during a microphone check, unaware that he was on air. (NPR Audio, The Russians were not pleased, to say the least. In some of the darkest days of the Cold War, in 1984, no world leader was smiling. The world was on the brink nuclear annihilation. To show humor was a sign of weakness. However, in all the darkness that surrounded the world at this time, one man’s bright smile and wit shined through; Ronald Reagan. Ronald Wilson Reagan was born in 1911 in Tampico, Illinois on February 6th, 1911 to John Reagan and Nelle Wilson Reagan. His beginnings were tough, like†¦show more content†¦It established Reagan as a strong political force and less than six months later, he was asked to run for governor by a republican group. At first, Reagan resisted heavily. He refused for several weeks before finally giving in, the temptation too great. The energy he was known for, several years ago, had returned with force. He ran for governor in 1966. It was a landslide victory. For the next eight years, Reagan would continue testing the waters of the Presidency, while he was Governor of California. Choosing not to seek a third term, Reagan began to seek out a higher goal. The Presidency of the United States. Reagan first challenged President Gerald Ford to become Candidate for President in 1976. Ford, being considerably more moderate, beat Reagan narrowly, however failed to acquire the Presidency itself, losing it to Jimmy Carter. However, in 1980, Jimmy Carter had struggled for 12 months to free American Hostages in Iran. With high inflation and the economy tanking, Carter’s plea-bargaining attempts with the American Public didn’t help him win a second term. Reagan began his plan for rebuilding the future of America, first off, by teaching them how to dream again. His own dreams were that of individual enterprise and a government with less control over its people. When Carter was defeated by a landslide, it was called the â€Å"ReaganShow MoreRelatedThe Great Communicator : Ronald Reagan1300 Words   |  6 PagesMrs. Dowling The Great Communicator The year is 1980. America is in a slump. Unemployment rate is at an all-time high, families and the economy are still recovering from the Vietnam War, and are suffering from the failure of the presidency of Jimmy Carter. The U.S. economy is in the worst state it has been in since the Great Depression - inflation is at 13.5 percent, unemployment is at 9.5 percent and the federal discount rate is at 14 percent. But after 8 years, Ronald Reagan will turn the countryRead MoreThe Great Communicator By Ronald Reagan1491 Words   |  6 PagesAs stated in an article from Newsmakers, Ronald Reagan was known as â€Å"the Great Communicator† because he was able to clearly speak to the public due to his unusual experiences before presidency (Newsmakers). Every president of the United States has a unique story, but Reagan possessed many remarkable characteristics. Today, many people recognize Reagan as a former president, but few know about the struggles he faced and his success before p residency; his political party transition, handling economicRead More Ronald Reagan: The Great Communicator Essay1015 Words   |  5 Pages Ronald Reagan is known as the Great Communicator by many. In 1992, as he delivered a speech at the Republican Convention, one would not doubt his excellence in public speaking. 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He would wrightRead MoreRonald Reagan, The Great Communicator Of The United States Of America Essay2033 Words   |  9 PagesRonald Wilson Reagan, the great communicator of the United States of America began his legacy of embodying the conservative move ment during one of the most famous speeches in American history. Before Ronald Reagan became the fortieth president of the United States, he began his switch from acting and movies to government and politics. Early in Reagan’s career he saw himself as a democrat, with Theodore Roosevelt as his hero. This would change thru his acting and professional career as Ronald ReaganRead MoreBest Vs. Worst Communicators967 Words   |  4 PagesBest vs. Worst Communicators Throughout history the careers of prominent men and women have been elevated or destroyed by the way they communicate a message to their particular audience. 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Also known as great man theories, it was developed to explain how traits influenced leadership. This theory suggested that certain people were born with special traits that made them great leaders. (Bass,1990; Jago,1982). For this applied leadership mini paper I chose Ronald Reagan as my leader. Through this paper I would like to enlighten how the Trait approach theory helps me to analyze him as a successful leader. â€Å"In his lifetime, Ronald Reagan was such a cheerful and invigoratingRead MoreRonald Reagan Is The Most Influential Man Of The United States1370 Words   |  6 Pagesfailure of the presidency of Jimmy Carter. The U.S. economy is in the worst state it has been in since the Great Depression - inflation is at 13.5 percent, unemployment is at 9.5 percent and the federal discount rate is at 14 percent. But after 8 years, Ronald Reagan will turn the country inside out, and make the world a better place to live in. 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Eng225 Final Paper Film Critique Free Essays

string(52) " the area that audiences needed the focus to be on\." Running Head:   Film Critique Critique of The Blind Side Tabitha Teasley Eng. 225 Introduction to Film Deborah Cunningham July 13, 2012 Critique of The Blind Side The way a person start in life, will not determine who or what they will become. The Blind Side is based on Micheal Lewis book called, The Blind Side:   Evolution of a game. We will write a custom essay sample on Eng225 Final Paper Film Critique or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this film this young man had a bad life at first. His talents and give him opportunity to had a good ending in life. It do not matter what a person had to go through in life, because it only that one opportunity to make a life time change. This movie involved a boy who was poor and uneducated. He had a bad beginning, but a recruited seen his talents and gave him the chance. Sometime it take someone else to see the talent another person is working with in life. In this film it takes the film director the props, and the lighting to tell this story. As this paper take the story one scene at a time, it will show who it take all element together and it will show that it do not matter how a person start in life. Storytelling is very important in the film world today. Each movie has to start with a story. A story is â€Å"a   narrative; all the elements and events that characters experience, whether before, during, or after the plot that is depicted in a book or a movie† (Film: From Watching to Seeing, 2011) Sometimes the person who wrote the script, will be the director also. If this do not happen, â€Å"it take the writers, producers, the director, and the actors, to put the story into action† (Film: From Watching to Seeing). The storytelling has to have a good story for it to make it to the film world. The director for   this movie is John Lee Hancock. The story of Michael Oher, a homeless and traumatized boy who become an All American football player and first round NFL draft pick with the help of a caring woman and her family† (The Internet Movie Database). The storyteller for the   book â€Å"The Blind Side† is Michael Lewis. Critique of The Blind Side â€Å"Lewis today might be the most insider-ish outsider writer alive†(Maine Living, 201 1 ). He was raised in New Orleans. He learn is life the â€Å"success and happiness are very different things, never become a lawyer, and you do not need a come from a bookish environment to know how to spin a helluva story† (Maine Living, 2011). The Blind Side expresses a similar theme of how value often is misjudged and overlooked. The improbable true story of how a young, African-American athlete born to a crack-addicted mother was adopted by a rich, evangelical Christian family, it was turned into a popular film featuring an Oscar-winning performance by Sandra Bullock†( Maine Living, 2011). This is a true story about Michael Oher. â€Å"He play for the Baltimore Ravens now† (NPR). He had a very hard childhood. He was a black male who had to start from scratch after being adopt by a family, who had a daughter† (NPR). He had no identifying documents, school records, or anything that would demonstrate on paper that he existed. â€Å"His whole life changed when his adoptive mom gave him responsibility†(NPR). When a person is bought into a environment that they are not accompany with, it is hard to adopt to the change. For example when the family took him shopping for some clothes, he did not know how to receive them, because he was not used to someone going shopping just for him. Acting is what make the movie come to life. In the textbook, Film: From Watching to Seeing, it states, â€Å"Acting is all about honesty. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made†. The actor job is to act. They pretends to be the character in the movie. They have to learn their lines and they have to connect with the character they are pretending to be in the film. The starting actor in the movie â€Å"Blind Side† is Quinton Aaron, Sandra Bullock, and Tim McGraw. Critique of The Blind Side Aaron was born on August 15, 1984 in Bronx, New York (IMDB). â€Å"His acting began with a Christmas play†(IMDB). He played the character of Michael Oher. He stated that to get ready for this character he had to â€Å"work out twice a day, seven days a week, and he had to loss weight† (IMDB). Sometime actors had to change their appearance to fit the character they got to play. The actors are very important to the movie world. When the movie first came on   it told the story about   Micheal Oher. This allowed the audience to know about the role the character (Quinton Aaron) played. It was on a football field and the point the director wanted the audience focus on was light and the background was dark. When the narrator wanted the audience to focus on a scene the scene stopped while the narrator talked about the scene. The way a person start in life, will not determine who or what they will become. â€Å"Cinematography is the process of photographing motion†( Film: From Watching To Seeing). â€Å"The cinematographer’s job is to translate the director’s vision for the film, to capture what the director wants to see and to say, and to physically make that happen† (Film: From Watching To Seeing). This is what determines how the audience sees the movie. In the movie â€Å"The Blind Side† the cinematographer used medium long shots and medium close ups. In the scene called â€Å"sleep tight† this   is the shots they used. In this scene the lady was making him a place to sleep at for over night. Medium Long Shot is â€Å"human figures are visible between head-to-toe and head-to-knee in the frame†. Medium close- up is â€Å"human figures are visible head to neck†(Film: From Watching To Seeing). The lighting had a dark background. The lighting was lighter on the area that audiences needed the focus to be on. You read "Eng225 Final Paper Film Critique" in category "Essay examples" Critique of The Blind Side Editing is what â€Å"controls what views will see and when the will see it and can profoundly affect how they will interpret a film. It establishes and can manipulate the pacing of s story on the screen. It can assemble a serious of partial details, creating by skillful arrangement the illusion of complete actions and spaces that exist only in the mind of the viewers† (Film: From Watching To Seeing). The movie â€Å"The Blind Side was done in Chronological order. Chronological order makes the movie easy to follow. â€Å" It make the scene unfold one after another, from beginning to end† (Film: Watching To Seeing). Editing is very important to the film world. This is what allow them to put the final touch on the film. They clean the film up so the story can be told. The way a person start in life, will not determine who or what they will become. The sound is also important to the film world. There are three basic categories of film sound. They are dialogue, sound effects, and music. They all have to have balance between the three. Dialogue is â€Å"when the characters talking to one another in the films†. (Film: From Watching To Seeing). Sound effects are used to get the audiences attention. It help draw them into the movie. In the scene â€Å"he’s changing Mine†Ã‚   the sound was low and the music was very soft in the background. There were four ladies sitting down eating and they were discussing her adopting the boy. The way the music and the low tone voice kept the focus on the characters. In this movie the sound kept the movie on the serious side. This movie had sounds that would show the sadden and the happy point of it. This was very important in this movie. If the sound be off key, then the movie would not get it point across. They did a good job with the sound and music in this film. It help get the point across with the main point of the movie; The way a person start in life, will not determine who or what they will become. Critique of The Blind Side Directing and style is very important in the movie world also. Each director has their own styles. Sometimes the styles maybe black and white, back in the days, and modern days films. In â€Å"The Blind Side† the style were modern days. The choice of which film making techniques to use, and how and when to use them, can define a director’s personal style† (Film† Watching To Seeing). The genre for the movie â€Å"The Bind Side† is drama, comedy, sports. I think this fits the movie well. The genre is important because it lets the audience know what to expect in the movie. It described the movies and it allowed the main point of the movie, the way a person start in life, will not determine who or what they will become, to be told on time. Movies can have a positive effect on society or a negative effect. This movie had a positive effect. In the movie The Blind Side the rating from society was good. The movie encourage people. It let society know your dream can come true. It do not matter what you didn’t have in your childhood. Life is what a person make it out to be. Look for opportunity, and expect changes to happen at any giving moment. In the movie the boy was seen as this quiet, fat person. Each person has gifts in life. Sometime a person need someone to help pull their gift to it full potential. This lady could have turned her nose up at the young boy, like society did. She had a gift for helping other and she seen the opportunity to use her gift. The movie also taught society to look at a person heart and not the outside appearance of a person. He had a big heart and the lady seen that society was robbing the young boy of his dream. It also taught society that dreams are made to come true. Stop focusing on what a person do not have and give opportunity when they are suppose to be giving. Critique of The Blind Side When her and her friends was having dinner they were making fun of her adopting the young boy. The way a person start in life, will not determine who or what they will become. A formalist approach is â€Å"to analysis is concerned with film form, or how the basic elements are organized to convey certain meaning†. This deals with the narrative elements. (Film: Watching To Seeing). In the text book, Film: From Watching To Seeing, it states â€Å"the most important thing to remember about film criticism is that any film can be viewed from a variety of perspectives. It may succeed at some and fail at others, but cannot be simply dismissed because the viewer does not like one aspect of it†. Each person will have their own personal conclusion on how they rate a movie. What one may like the next person will dislike. Two people can watch a movie together and each person will have their own points about the movie. It will mean this to one and some completely different to the next person. The point did come across in â€Å"the Blind Side;   the way a person start in life, will not determine who or what they will become. In the movie â€Å"The Blind Side† everything the director did to make the movie went in together. It took all part to make the movie a success. This movie set out to encourage people about their dreams. From the director to the shoes the character had on, it took it all. There was a balance in the lighting with the sound to the music. It do not matter how a person started in life or what a person been through, they have gifts and if the right opportunity come, their life can change forever. Look for opportunity and take each one like it is you last. The way a person start in life, will not determine who or what they will become. REFERENCES Goodykoontz, B. , Jacobs, C. P. (2011). Film: From Watching to Seeing. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Education, Inc. https://content. ashford. edu The Internet Movie Database, Retrieved on November 20, 2011, from http://www. imdb. com/name/nm2466842/bio Maine Living Bangor Daily News, retrieved on November 19, 2011, from http://bangordailynews. com/2011/11/20/living/book-reviews/michael-lewis%E2%80%99-   storytelling-skills-put-more-economic-tales-on-the-bestseller-list/ How to cite Eng225 Final Paper Film Critique, Essay examples

Historical Landmarks in the Philippines free essay sample

Adams In the year 1900, an American Governor named William Taft was fascinated by Baguids gentle weather especially during summer when Manila would be really hot that many American adventurers and missionaries would choose to stay north of Manila. Some of them landed in a village along the shoreline of Pasaleng Bay on the lower slopes of the northwestern peak of the Cordillera mountain rages called Tinamburan which is now known as Pancian, Pagudpud where peace-loving tribesmen were residing. There were lots of deers and wild pigs in those days. The villagers feasted on birds they caught and also squirrels and wild fruits. People believed that Adams as blessed and called it Karayan ni Adan which means River of Adam. This was to honor the first man on earth which they learned from the Spaniards. From then the place was called Adams. Before 1918, Adams was made into a reservation for cultural minorities. Their forefathers choice to possess properties was to live deep in the forest beds. It was called their own for a living and be it was to support their families. Later, it was created and recognized as a Municipality District by virtue of law passed by the defunct Department of Interior. Bacarra Bacarra is bounded on the north by the Municipality of Pasuquin, on the east by Vintar; on the south by Laoag City; and on the west by China Sea. It has a land area of 66. 07 square kilometers, with a population of 27,827 in 1995. The first settler of the town was an Igorot named Bacsalandoc, who became its first chief. The present site of the Roman Catholic Church was the spot where he built his hut. In 1590, the Augustinians started missionary work in Bacarra which was at that time, was reported to be an encomienda of one Capitan Castillo and one Andres de Hermosa. It had one convent with two priests ministering to 4,000 souls. In 1956, the convent was granted the status of a priory with the right to vote in the provincial chapters. In 1599, Bacarra had the following visitas: San Nicolas de Vintar, Santiago de Pasuquin, Bambang san Lorenzo de Banguisan (Bangui), Sta. Catalina de Adang and Vera. In 1603, Bacarra became a visita of Laoag. In 1608, it was made a vicariate under the immediate Jurisdiction of the father provincial. In 1614, it became an independent parish. Agriculture is the main industry of the Bacarrehos. Farmers raise rice, tobacco, corn, garlic, onion, mongo beans, sugarcane, cotton and vegetables. Fishing is the second major industry of the people. Both its sea and river teem with fish which include the legendary bac-bacarra. They also engage in woodworking and weaving. The Bacarrehos, like other ilocanos, are adventurous, industrious and are incessantly in quest of greener pastures. Long before the great rush of Filipinos to foreign lands, there were already thousands of them abroad, particularly in the U. S. mainland. Their remittances are a strong boost to the economy of the town. The electrification program of the government to the remote barangays has sparked the interest of balikbayans who have Joined hands in the development of the town. In the arly 1970s, Bacarra won the National Barangay Award (Barangay Category) when it registered Badoc the most numb a kbayan who visited the country. The town Badoc got its name from badok-badok (phleumpratense). It is a plant which abounds locality. Its lands are of 66. 41 square kilometers and with a population of 26,737 in 1995. The first settlers of Badoc belonged to a tribe officially known as Tingguian and also known as ltneg by the Ilocanos. The Spaniards first explored the area in 1572 when Juan de Salcedo made an expedition to the north. He returned in 1574 to formally organize the government of locos. He made Badoc an encomienda of Juan de la Pena. In 1714, Badoc became an independent parish. In the late 18th and first half of the 19th century, the cultivation of indigo became a lucrative business in Badoc and the rest of locos. Badoc was occupied by the revolutionary forces of General Manuel Tinio during the Philippine Revolution of 1898. When the war went against America, the town and the surrounding areas of Badoc and Paoay became the fields of operation of the guerillas of Gregorio Aglipay. When Gregrio Aglipay established the Philippine Independent Church, Badoc became one of the centers of the newly established eligious sc. Today, Badoc remains an agricultural town but continues on towards progress. The major sources of income of the people are farming, fishing, salt-making and cottage industries like the weaving of cotton cloth and the making of basi wise. An irrigation system serves over 500 hectares of agricultural lands producing primary crops like tobacco, garlic, and onions. Bangui Bangui is bounded by the Bangui Bay on the north; the Municipality of Burgos on the west; Pagudpud on the northeast; Dumalneg on the east; and Adams on the southeast. The town is 66 kilometers away north of locos Nortes capital, Laoag. About 10 kilometers south of the town is the famous Zigzag Road which provides travelers a sweeping view of Banguis verdant mountains, the blue sea, and the flowing river that sneaks through its western barrios. It has a total land area of 163. 59 square kilometers and is composed of 15 barangays, with a population of 13,774 in 1995. The first mission of Bangui was established by the Augustinians of February 14, 1607 supposedly at the request of one Capitan Ribero, the encomendero of the place. The natives who rejected baptism were called pagans and they were driven away from their lands. Those who accepted baptism were called Christians. In 1624, the town was made into a parish with Father Pedro Valenzuela as the first minister. The Spanish missionaries considered the date as the foundation year of Bangui. During the revolution in 1896, the remnants of the Spanish army in Luzon, driven b superior Filipino forces under the command of General Jorico retreated to Bangui and took their last foothold in the are. Bangui is famous for its swimming resort along a circumferential bay which is considered as the best scenery in the whole island of Luzon. The livelih ot the people comes trom tarming, fishing, and mat-making. The construction of the Pl . Million Lipsoc communal irrigation dam project in Bangui is a boon to its agricultural economy. The dam can irrigate 205 hectares of land and will benefit some 300 farmers in seven adjacent barangays, resulting in increased production of rice, corn, garlic, vegetables, and mongo. Bangui today is already considered as an urban community. It is groomed as a possible site for a free port or specialized economic zone because of its favorable location. Furthermore, when the Laoag-Allacapan road is fully completed, it will enhance Banguis emerging rominence, extending its influence as far as the eastern towns of Cagayan Province. Banna (Espiritu) Banna is bounded on the north by Marcos and Dingras; on the northeast by Batac; and on the east by Mt. Sicapoo. It is one of the smallest towns of the province, having a land area of only 97. 68 square kilometers. Banna had a population of 1 5,975 in 1995. The municipality used to be known as Banna. It has preserved this name until 1964. According to legend, Banna had pre-hispanic origin. It was a prosperous village, inhabited bt Tinggguian settlers, located in the eastern part of locos Norte. It was ruled by a chieftain named Banna. Whose wisdom and courage united and emboldened his people. It was said that when the Spanish colonizers tried to Christianize the village, Banna resisted. He fought the Spanish priest. Soldiers and native Christian settlers who treacherously railed it while Banna and his subjects were celebrating his birthday. The Tingguians were defeated, but managed to escape with their chief. What was left of their settlements was consequently turned into a Spanish town, with a parish priest and native local officials. In honor of its former re-hispanic ruler, its inhabitants preferred to call their new Christian village, Banna. During the Spanish regime, banna was a barrio of bigger towns like batac and Dingras. Archival records show that the eastern part of its Magalis River was once a part of Dingras and its western part, of the town of Batac. During the American administration, particularly in 1913, Bannas status as a barrio became a subject of discussion among its residents, especially Governor Santiago Espiritu, who worked hard to make it own. It became a town that same year, with one named Ishmael as its first Presidente Municipal. On June 18, 1964, by virtue of Republic Act No. 3997, the towns name was changed to Espiritu, in honor of Governor Espiritu. Though small, Espiritu is a progressive town. Rice, garlic, cotton and beans and other vegetables are its principal cash crops. As for its home industries, the town is famous for its woven Ilocano blankets, bathrobes, bed spreads and pillow cases, which are highly priced in manila as well as the neighboring provinces. Batac City The town was founded by the Augustinians in 1587 under the patronage of the Immaculate Conception. It is the second oldest town established by the Augustinians n the province of locos Norte. Hence, in 1987 Batac reached its 4th centennials. Batac was officially organized into a ministry on January 5, 1586. The first priest assigned to catnecize the natives ot tile community was Fr. Esteban Marin, an Augustinian who probably arrived in Batac in 1585. Paoay and Dinglas (Dingras) were then the visitas of Batac. Folk history states that there were two villages in Batac during the early part of tile foundation of the town, one was an ltneg community which occupied sitio Nangalisan and a Christian community occupying San Jose. The irst site of tile poblacion was in San Jose, which is now called Barangay Palpalicong. It is said that the ethnic minority groups of Bangui and Nueva Era are the pre-Spanish descendants of early inhabitants of Batac. The Augustinians considered the people of Batac more civilized than tile other tribes, because they were better than the other Indios in personal cleanliness. The word Batac in a local dialect translates as pull. More loosely, it refers to the peoples pulling their efforts together. Batac has an interesting colloquial origin of its name. According to a legend, set in pre- ettlement Batac, a man fell into a deep hole while he was digging for the root crop camangeg. He struggled to get out but could not despite his best efforts. He cried for help but nobody was around. He waited for hours and had given up hope of being saved. Fortunately, two men from the neighboring town of Paoay happened to pass by. They heard the man shouting and traced it to where he was trapped. Upon seeing him, they heared the man said Bataquennac! Bataquennac! The two men did not understand until the man explained that he was saying, Pull me up! Pull me up! They did Just that. When the two men reached their hometown, they told their story to their friends. Since then, the town has been called Batac, which is derived from the word bataquennac. Burgos The town was first known as Nagparitan, the early inhabitants were calledMumburi and known as a wild and fierce people who prevented the Christianized natives from settling in the vicinity. When the Spaniards came to the area, the people staged a revolt, captured the priest and mutilated his body. Because of this incident, the Spaniards change the name of Nagparitan, meaning prohibit, to Nagpartian which means the place of slau ghter. In 1903, Nagpartian was then fused with the Municipality of Bangui because of the unstable condition due to low collection of government taxes. On February 28, 1914, by virtue of a legislative act, Nagpartian was renamed Burgos in honor of one of the three martyred priest, Fr, Jose Burgos. Sehor Juan Ignacio was the first Presidente Municipal of the town. Majority of people in the municipality are engaged in the production of commercial crops like rice, garlic, tomato, mongo and corn. However, aside from producing agricultural products, most of them also venture into fishing, livestock and swine-raisin, rice illing, and cottage industries like furniture and hollow-blocks making, smelting, salt- making, and mat weaving. The town is endowed with scenic and tourist-attracting shores or coastline from plain white beaches in Barangays. Paayas and Bobon to rugged and sharp cliffs naturally formed through the centuries like Gagamtan Cliff in Barangay Bayog, and Kapur-purawan Cliff in Barangay Saoit. The Digging Falls is another pride of the town, with a beautiful cascade at the boundary of Barangays Ablan and Buduan, certainly a perfect place for local and foreign tourist to spend their summer escapade. Another worth-mentioning tourist attraction is the historic Cape BoJeador Lighthouse, built during the latter part of the 19th century. Located on a top of a hill overlooking the vast expanse of the China Sea, it serves as a beacon light to passing ships and to local fishermen . Because ot i ts high elevation, it otters travelers with a panoramic view of the rugged coastline of Burgos Carasi The name Carasi is derived from the word Carosikis, a tree of exuberant growth later called Carasi. The site is near a forest which made people believed that the ltnegs were the first lowlanders to settle, staying as late as 1902. Carasi was a formerly a sitio of Sta. Maria, Piddig, locos Norte. It became a municipal district in 1903 under Piddig, which was then completely occupied by the ltneg tribes. In 1913, Juan Melad Infiel was appointed alcalde of Carasi. With foresight that Parparia (now Barbaqueza) would become a good ground for settlement, Melad encouraged his tribements to settle in the place. Some stayed in Parparia while the others went to Carasi. In 1923, when Carasi was already a municipal district of Piddig, it was designated as the Non- Christian Reservation in Nagpapalcan. It was proclaimed the following year a a Cultural Minority Resevation. In 1939, Juan Cawada was appointed alcalde of the town. He led the townspeople in the ambuscade against the Japanese in Pan- panniqui. He served as alcalde until the end of the war. He run unopposed in the local election in 1946. He was succeded by Gerardo Aguibay who pioneered a tax declaration campaigne and subdivided the district into small political units creating Barbaqueza, Virbira and Angset. The election of 1959 brought more progress and development to the town under its longest serving mayor, Cecilio S. Bulil-lit. He was responsible for the issueance of a Presidential Decree declaring Carasi as a regular own on May 16, 1983. The inhibitants of Carasi raise rice, corn and vegetables which are the towns main products. Secondary products include rattan, lumber, firewood and gogo bark. The Pan-panniqui and Cora Rivers are potential tourist spots. Currimao This town was formerly a barrio of Paoay. It was made a municipality by virtue of an Executive Order issued by Governor General Francis Burton Harrison on December 28, 1920, and officially inaugurated as a municipality on January 21, 1921. Several rivers, like the Tipcal or Gang River, Manglaoi Norte River, Maglaoi Sur River and the Poblacion River, serve as outlets for water during the rainy days. At the Palacapac Spring, Barangay Pias Sur, a water reservoir was built ten years ago. It still supplies the adjacent Barangay with portable water. Since the spring cannot supply the residents with enough water the whole year round, the people also resort to the used of open wells. Farming is the primary source of livelihood. Most of the agricultural lands are devoted to rice while other corps like corn, garlic, sugar cane tobacco and vegetables is also grown. The farmers practice crop rotation and diversification herein crops are planted utilizing the same area. The farmers sell their products direct to customers. Still other practice the barter system especially during good fishing season when the fishermen may exchange their catch for agricultural crops like rice. Fishing is also a good means of livelihood. The catch usually consists of tuna, mackerel, tangigi, lapu-lapu, talakitok, maya-maya, and others. Other marines products are seaweeds like pukpuklo, kulot and aragon-ilik. The fresh waters yield mudfish, catfish, tilapia and gurami. The town has no minerals resources or deposits t commercial value because i t nas no big mountain ranges. However, it n abundant supplies of bamboo, cogon, and fire wood and sea sand. Bamboo and fire wood are of great commercial value. Upland grasses grow tall and teeming on the hill sides and in the fields which yield excellent feed for cows, carabaos, horses, goats and other livestock. Dingras The town was said to have derived from the names of Ding and Ras. Ding was the son of a chieftain called Naaslag, who ruled the northern part of the river of Dingras. Ras, on the otherhand, was the daughter of Allawigan, the chief of the southern part of he river. At one time, these two chiefs were in perennial war with each other. One day, son Ding defeated the warriors of Allawigan. Ding took ras as his prize from the conquered northern ruler and married her. The union ended the feud between Naaslag and Allawigan. As the two kingdoms merged as one great power in the valley, their place became known henceforth known as Dingras. In 1598, the Augustinians founded Dingras as Ginglas. On the same year, it was placed under the patronage of San Jose. Dingras became one of the oldest and biggest ministries in the entire locos region until year 1690. It was one of the visitas of batac in 1589. On July 8 of that year, Dingras was made a ministry with Fray Bartolome Conrado as its first parish priest. As such, it remained as one of the six encomiendas in locos of the King of Spain in 1591. However, on October 31, 1603, Dingras was given back as visita to Batac, perhaps, because of its failure to become the mission center for the conversion of the interior settlements in the locos. In 1680, the Augustinians built a church. However it was destroyed by a strong earthquake in 1707. Another church which was more spacious and massive was erected by Fray Damaso Vieztez. In 1838, Fathers Deza and Franco remodeled the church impressively. But fire later gutted the edifice. Te ruins still evidence of a once splendid structure, regarded by historians as one of the three earthquake baroque churches. The others are those of Magsingal (locos Sur Province) and Laoag City. Rice has remained the major agricultural income earner with tobacco coming in as a closed second. The farmers of Dingras also hybrid corns, garlic, vegetables bananas and coffee. They are engaged in poultry raising piggery, as well as in weaving. The streams across rive fields yield fish in abundance. Dumalneg About 90 percent of the inhabitants of the municipality belong to the cultural minority group. Originally, its population was composed purely of mountain tribal people, but intermarriages and migrations caused the assimilation of lowlanders into the municipality through the passage of Sanggunian Panlalawigan Resolution No. 78. A proclamation was issued by the Office of the President upon its approval. The only church in the municipality was erected by Aglipayans. It influenced the conversion of the natives into the Christian faith by baptism and marriage according to church laws. The necessary of the municipality to the national highway leading to Bangui and the availability of public utility Jeeps and motorized tricycles make transportation easy. If transportation is not available, one could easily walk from Dumalneg to Barangay Lanao og Bangui, where the national highway connects several municipalities ot locos Norte, including Laoag ty, to Cagayan and Isabela. Agriculture is the primary source of livelihood of the people, who plant such root crops as gabi, camote and tugue. Some derive meager incomes from planting maliket, an upland rice variety and from the gathering of forest products like firewood rattan nd nito. A few of them are also engaged in fishing and in hunting wild animals like deer and pigs. Aside from the natural its native beauty of the place, the peoples tradition like chewing beetle nuts, including its native costumers such as Baog or G- string for men and tapis for women. As well as its captivating dance called tadek are some of Bumalnegs tourist attractions. Marcos The town was created on June 22, 1963 under Republic Act 3753. The seven barangays of Dingras namely: Caparian, Biding, Escoda, Culao, Alabaan, Ragas, and Agunit were separated from the municipality and constituted into A new town called Marcos in honor of the late Don Mariano Marcos, the father of then President Ferdinand E. Marcos. The author of this act was former Congressman Simeon M. Valdez of the second district of locos Norte. On March 6, 1976, a monument of Don Mariano Marcos, installed at the town plaza, was unveiled. And on August 23 of the same year, Proclamation No. 92-A was issued reserving for townsite purpose of the municipal government of Marcos, a parcel of land situated in Barangay Biding as the towns seat of government. Marcos is called Promise land by the inhabitants because of its vast expanse of contiguous and fertile delta areas. The town has lush vegetation and terrain which is suitable for rice faming- the main livelihood of the Ilocanos. Marcos is being groomed to become for bread basket of locos Norte in the near future. To sustain this vision, various infrastructure projects have been developed. One of these are the Boris-Kuripat Gravity Irrigation Dam. The dam is 6. 2 meters high and 43 meters long with concrete slabs and slush ways. When fully operational, it will benefit not only the farmers of Marcos town but also the famers of the neighboring towns of locos Norte. The Municipality of Marcos aspires to rise to rominence as another important town in the Province of locos Norte and this is not a remote possibility considering the towns potential as a growth center. Nueva Era This site had been a Spanish settlement as early as 1672. A local historian claimed that it was originally peopled by 800 Tingguians who came from Abra. It was believed that they were the progeny of the missionaries and other foreigners like the Calibug Bulawa, Kapitan Tico, Santiago Duyan and Cipriano Acnam. The town was created out of the union of nine Rancherias, namely; Padsan, Cabittauran, Paor, Patoc, Pagpagong, Bugayong, Uguis and Tabangran. The conversion into a municipality was sought in a petition by their ltneg settlers, led by Calibog, their chieftain. The approval of the petition came on New Years Day, hence, the towns name, which means new age. The early town development started with the leadership of Ulpiano Acuam, who became the town Mayor in 1 The highway trom Nueva Era to Laoag construction of roads connecting Nueva Era to the Provinces of locos Sur and Abra were two of the major projects that were completed.. Education was also the priority of Acuams administration, a municipal high school was opened and all barangays of he town were provided with elementary and primary schools. Most of the people in the municipality are engaged in farming, with rce, garlic, and tobacco as their primary products. One-fourth of its land, which lies at the foot of the Cordillera Mountain ranges, is irrigated by several rivers such as Badoc, Padsan and Bongo, Although, a prominently agricultural town, some of its inhabitants are also involved in small businesses. The town has bewitching scenic attractions to offer. The Cacanan Falls, Papa Dam, Tree Park, Mine Site, and the Piaw Falls are among the ideal sites for natural love excursionists and travelers. Also, the view from a high-lying municipal buildings view deck provides sightseers a panoramic vista of the mountain town. Pagudpud Pagudpud was formerly a barrio of the town of Bangui. A group of political leaders, headed by Rafael Rebianos, petitioned its separation from Bangui, but they failed. After World War II, another group, this time led by Constantino Benemerito, revived the old petition. Through the recommendation of Dr. Damso Samonte, then the Cogressman of the first District, President Ramon Magsaysay signed Executive Order No. 3 on February 3, 1954, separating Pagudpud from Bangui and granting it the status of a town. However, on February 16, 1957 President Ramon Magsaysay issued Executive Order No. 240 abolishing the Municipality of Pagudpud and returning the barrios comprising it to the Municipailty of Bangui, Pagudpud included. Following Magsasays death in a plane crash on March 17, 1957, influential people from Pagudpud and prominent political fgures from the provinc e made representations with the Office of the President to make Pagudpud an independent municipality. On January 14, 1959, President Carlos P. Garcia issued Executive Order No. 328, reverting Pagudpud to the status of an independent municipality and returning to it all its former barrios. Most of the people in the town are engaged in farming, hunting, fishing and livestock and raising poultry. Rice is the major agricultural crop, while coconut, corn, garlic and vegetables are the other important crops grown in the municipality. Copper, feldspar, tektite, pyrite and magnetic minerals are also abundant in this locality. The town produces enough feldspar to supply the needs of ceramic manufacturing firms in Metro Manila. With its peace-loving people, rich natural resources, and breathtaking tourist attractions like the Sand White Beach, the Kabigan Falls, The Banua Presidential Guest House, the Bagong Lipunan Lodge, The alf-moon shaped Malingay Bay, and the Maramraot Dam, the first dam constructed in the Philippines, Pagudpud may someday be the Garden City of the North. Paoay To spearhead the spiritual conquest of locos Norte during the early years of Spanish rule, the Augustinians founded Paoay in 1593 along with other towns of locos Norte, locos Sur, Abra and La Union. On February 2, 1818, a royal Decree was issued dividing the locos province into locos Norte and locos Sur. Paoay was annexed to locos Norte. Simultaneously revolts against the Spanish colonial government broke out in Paoay and in other neighboring towns. One of which was the protest against the May 14, 1814 decree of Fredinand VII abrogating the liberal Spanish Constitution of 1812. However, poor leadership and inferior arms resulted in the failure of the revolt. At the outbreak of the revolution in 1896, a chapter of the Katipunan was organized by Gabriel Dumlao in Paoay. During the Filipino-American War (1898-1902), the town suffered tremendous losses of lives and property. The stubborn resistance of the people against the American occupation of the town led to the indiscriminate burning of houses and the incarceration of suspected rebels. Paoay has a high agricultural yields and stable handicraft industries. The major crop of the town is garlic, sometimes called white gold by the farmers deriving their income from this produce. Other agricultural crops are rice, corn, tobacco, sugarcane, and vegetables. The town is also noted for its weaving industry. Among its finished products are blankets, towels and pillow cases, which are favorite souvenir items of foreign and local visitors. He long stretch of Paoays coastline is both an intensive fishing ground and a site for many beach resorts. The town is also rich in cultural and historical andmarks. A two-storey Spanish-style brick house, better known as the Malacahang of the North, nestling on top of a hill overlooking the legendary lake in Barangay Suba was coverted into a museum by the government. The Paoay Church, on eof the best religious structures left by the Spaniards, built and completed in 1699 to 1707 under forced labor, is regarded as the embodiment of the colonial Filipino style. Pasuquin ltnegs were the first settlers of the town. They were followed by a group known as the Ibaliws, who were the first to put up encampments with flat roofs of cogon grass and arge tree leaves. Pasuquin was a visita of Bacarra I early times. It became an independent parish in 1784. Its church was a built in the early 19th century through forced labor. The towns titular patron is Santiago Apostol. In 1944, when the town was occupied by the Japanese, the church was turned into headquarters. It was said that many guerillas were beheaded in this edifice. At present, it is still I ruins. The townspeople are involved in farming, fishing, mining and commerce. Rice is the main crop while garlic is considered as the second most important product. Feldspar ining, a non-metallic material, is also common in the town wherein raw materials are brought to Manila for processing. Favored with good waters, the people along the coastal areas depend mostly on fishing for their livelihood. Noted fishports are Tulnagan, Davila, Nalvo, Bingsang and Puyupuyan. Pasuquin is also known for its fine, sandy beaches and its salt-making industry. Puyupuyan Beach in Raquiza cove is popular. Tourist spots that can be found in the area are the following, namely: Imelda Garden at Naang-angri falls which is famous for its underground caves, swimming ool and cottages; the Paredes Air Station, 2,000 feet above sea level with its radar and clubhouse; and the old watch tower in barangay Puyupuyan. Piddig Piddig is picturesquely spread on the crests and slopes ot rolling hills between the Guisit and Baramban rivers. Because of it hilly position, the people calledPidipid which was later changed to Piddig. The area of what is now Piddig was probably a part of Batak, which was established by the Augustinians on January 1 5, 1585. It was subsequently elevated into a visita when Dingras was made into a ministry. Finally, it was established as a parish in 1775. In 1762, the Spanish authorities conscripted the skilled native archers of Piddig known as the Tingguian, in the pursuit of Gabriela Silang and her troops who led and continued the armed rebellion after the treacherous death of her husband, Diego Silang. Gabriela was overpowered by the Piddig pursuers and was brought to Vigan where was hanged in October 1763. During the Philippine Revolution, Piddig was occupied by the revolutionary forces of General Manuel Tinio in August 1898. In Filipino-American War that was to follow, the town became a part of the operational area of Bishop Aglipays guerrillas. In 1902, Aglipay established the Philppine Independent Church. At the height of the World War II, Piddig and the surrounding towns became the strong hold of guerrilla resistance against the occupying Japanese forces in locos Norte. It was also in this town that the 15th Infantry USAFFE-NL was formed. This command was responsible for the liberation of the locos Region from the Japanese. Piddig was also made the military capital of locos Norte when the 21st Infantry was stationed there during the early part of war. Piddig is home to Sgt. Teofilo Ildefonso, a great swimmer and a war hero. A monument has been erected to honor him. The town is also the birthplace of Claro Caluya, the prince of locos poets. Piddig is basically an agricultural town. Its primary crops are rice, garlic, tobacco, sugarcane, and a variety of vegetables. Its chief cottage industry, which dates back to the Spanish Era, is weaving cloth. The place is known for its blankets, bathrobes, towels, bedsheets, pillows and clothings. The towns suaco (cigar pipe) is greatly admired for its tide industry. Pit-lili Piddig is onev of the youngest and smallest town of the Province of locos Norte. Historically, the town of Pinili was used as training ground of the Sandatahans led by Bishop gregorio Aglipay, the founder of the Aglipayan Church, who used his influence as a Catholic priest to prevent the execution of the Filipinos at the height of the Filipino-American War. Pinili, which means selected, was chosen as the name of the town because it was here that Bishop Aglipay constructed his hideout as a last ditch effort to foght the aggressors. On November 28, 1919, the petition of 1,180 residents was elevated to the Governor-General to established Pinili as a town through the help of Bishop Aglipay and the endorsement of the Provincial Council. Likewise, local leaders also negotiated for the establishment of a Philippine Independent Churc, cemetery and school for lower grades. Finally, Pinili was established as a town on January 1, 1920 by virtue of an Executive Order which was signed on December 20, 1919. The first mass of the Philippine Independent Church was celebrated here by Supreme Bishop Gregorio Aglipay. Following the establishment of the Aglipayan Church in 1804, other denominations took root, namely the United Church of Christ (Iglesia ni Cristo) in 1910,

Monday, May 4, 2020

International Issues in Management Accounting for Paradoxes

Question: Write about theInternational Issues in Management Accounting for Paradoxes. Answer: The perceived differences and advantages of Australian dairy product in China and how this should be reflected in manufacturing of the export product. When it comes to the Australian dairy products, it is famous in China due to its high standard and safety. When it comes to the health and benefit of the toddler, the product that has the highest safety and benefits is chosen that makes the Australian dairy products to rank among the highest. Further, it needs to be noted that the reach and availability of the Australian products are more thereby providing the customer's ample benefits in terms of choice and availability. The difference that can be observed in the Australian dairy product as compared to the China dairy product rests on the quality along with a huge choice. The choice of dairy products of Australia is more as compared to the China products and hence a noticeable difference can be found. It is not only beneficial in term of competition rather provides a strong advantage to the families. With the huge advantage and demand, the supply and manufacture of the dairy products of Australia are on the increase (Gao Knight, 20 10). This has led to a strong supply chain. Further manufacturing of the dairy product and export deems to be a profitable venture for the company. any differences that Deirdre can expect to encounter between Chinese and Western approaches to management accounting; and There is some difference when it comes to the approaches of management accounting between the Chinese and Western countries. When it comes to the Western countries, the amendments and revisions to the policies of accounting do not carry a legally binding power and the formulation is done as per the national legal framework that is given in the cases by Companies Act. Companies Ordinances along with other rules can be applied to industries on an individual basis like the Banking Ordinance for a financial institution and other listed companies. It provides a framework on which the professional bodies of the accounting and other standards rest. When it comes to China, new and improved thoughts to management accounting have always been observed (Balfoort, 2017). The majority of the firms uses joint product costing, as well as budgeting. The adoption rate of the Chinese firms in terms of standard costing is high. The normative and the standard costing have a similarity when it comes to th e matter of adoption. Deirdre wishes to understand how the concepts of guanxi and power distance will impact on her interactions with the current ChinaSouth DairyCo managers who will now become part of the team she supervises. Guanxi will help in gaining an upper hand in the conversation and influence the relationship thereby facilitating business dealings. Hence, the interaction will be aided by the social network and can help in arriving at a proper dealing (Woodbine Scully, 2014). On the other hand, power distance is the perception of the individuals of the management and going by the overall case it can be commented that Deirdre Lynch is carrying high prospect and that the interactions with the manager of China Dairy company will be in good stead and ensure a success. The prospect is beneficial for the population of China and this perception is already indicated to the manager. Australian dairy product can exploit the market and have a major market share owing to its popularity and the choices it provides (Hwang et. al, 2008). Since the customers have a strong reliance on the dairy products, therefore, the export will be beneficial. Hence, the interaction will hold to be good considering the viewpoint s. References Balfoort,F. (2017). Content and Context- 'fair' values in China. Retrieved from 3019771_1 Gao, B., and Knight, J. (2010). Paradoxes and guanxi dilemmas in emerging ChineseWestern intercultural relationships. Retrieved from Hwang, D., Staley, Y., and Lan, Y. (2008). Confucian culture and whistle blowing by professional accountants. Retrieved from Woodbine, F., and Scully, G. (2014). Guanxi - a two-edged sword. Retrieved from